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In Memory

Michael D. Daigle

SAINT MARYS, Ga. Michael D. Daigle, 46, of 1504 Shadow Lane Drive, died on April 17, 1999 at home. He was a machinist's mate first class in the Navy for 18 years. Born in Springfield, Mass., he graduated from East Longmeadow (Mass.) High School in 1971 and from Springfield Technical Community College. He leaves his wife, Aileen Daigle; three sons, Paul, Ryan and Michael, all of Saint Marys; a daughter, Lola Daigle of Hollywood, Fla.; and his parents, Albert and Lola (Pultro) Daigle of East Longmeadow. Edo-Miller-Dekle-Wainwright Funeral Home of Kingsland was in charge. There will be a memorial service Friday morning at St. Michael's Church in East Longmeadow. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 53 Capital Drive, West Springfield, MA 01089.